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As children progress through elementary school, one crucial aspect of English grammar that they must master is subject-verb agreement. This means that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number, which can sometimes be tricky, particularly for third-graders. However, with the right exercises and practice, third-graders can quickly improve their subject-verb agreement skills.

Here are some fun and effective exercises that can help third-graders master subject-verb agreement:

1. Match the Verb to the Subject

In this exercise, students have to identify the subject in each sentence and match it to the correct verb. For example:

– The dog (run, runs) in the park.

The correct verb in this sentence is “runs,” as it agrees with the singular subject, “dog.”

2. Fill in the Blank

In this exercise, students are given a sentence with a blank space where the verb should be. They must choose the correct verb from a given list and write it in the blank. For example:

– My friends _____ (is, are) coming over for a sleepover.

The correct verb in this sentence is “are,” as it agrees with the plural subject, “friends.”

3. Correct the Sentence

In this exercise, students are given a sentence with an incorrect verb, and they must correct it. For example:

– The birds fly in the sky.

The correct sentence should be: The birds (fly, flies) in the sky.

The correct verb in this sentence is “fly,” as it agrees with the plural subject, “birds.”

4. Identify the Incorrect Verb

In this exercise, students are given a sentence with an incorrect verb, and they must identify the mistake. For example:

– The cat (meow, meows) every morning.

The incorrect verb in this sentence is “meow,” as it does not agree with the singular subject, “cat.” The correct verb should be “meows.”

By practicing these exercises, third-graders can improve their subject-verb agreement skills and become more confident and effective writers. Teachers and parents can use these exercises in the classroom and at home to reinforce what students are learning in school and help them succeed in their academic and professional lives.