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Grade 7 English Subject-Verb Agreement: Tips and Tricks for Improved Writing

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar, and it can be challenging for students in grade 7 to grasp fully. However, mastering subject-verb agreement is crucial for clear and effective communication. An incorrect agreement can cause confusion, disrupt the flow of sentences, and even change the meaning of the sentence. Here are some tips and tricks to improve your grade 7 English subject-verb agreement skills.

Understand the Basics

Subject-verb agreement refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb of a sentence. The verb must agree with the subject in both number and person. In simple terms, it means that a singular subject requires a singular verb, while a plural subject requires a plural verb.

Singular subjects take singular verbs, and they usually end in -s, -es, or -ies. For example: The girl walks to school. The bird flies in the sky. The company produces quality products.

Plural subjects take plural verbs, and they do not end in -s, -es, or -ies. For example: The girls walk to school. The birds fly in the sky. The companies produce quality products.

Be Mindful of Compound Subjects

Compound subjects are two or more subjects that are joined by conjunctions such as “and,” “or,” or “nor.” When a compound subject is joined by “and,” the verb is plural. For example: The cat and the dog play in the yard. When a compound subject is joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to the verb. For example: Neither the cat nor the dog likes to swim.

Beware of Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns are words like “everyone,” “anyone,” “someone,” “nobody,” and “nothing.” When these pronouns are used as subjects, they are usually singular, and they require a singular verb. For example: Everyone wants to be successful. Anyone can learn a new skill. Somebody left their jacket in the hallway.

Review Collective Nouns

Collective nouns refer to a group of people, animals, or things, and they can be singular or plural. When a collective noun refers to a group acting as one unit, it is singular, and it requires a singular verb. When a collective noun refers to a group acting as individuals, it is plural, and it requires a plural verb. For example: The team is playing well. The team members are talented athletes.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The best way to improve your subject-verb agreement skills is to practice. Read and write as much as possible, paying attention to the subject-verb agreement in each sentence. When you come across a challenging sentence, try breaking it down into its subject and verb and determine if they agree.

In Conclusion

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar, and mastering it is crucial for effective communication. By understanding the basics, being mindful of compound subjects, indefinite pronouns, and collective nouns, and practicing, you can improve your grammar skills and become a better writer.